Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thorin TheArbolester

Yes, gentle readers, you did in fact read the title of today's post correctly.

Thorin Thearbolester. Or so it would seem. In fact his screenname is capitalised to become Thorin TheArbolester! Cunning. Despite having been born into a medieval world and gone to "Paladin School" (aah, good old PSU. I remember it like it was yesterday, the halls, the armour clad lecturers, the first-day hazing being burnt at the stake... Good times) Thorin was not quite old enough to know the difference between good and evil. Precocious child, apparently. Not QUITE precocious enough to not join up with a bunch of snake-men who slaughtered his schoolmates...

Then again, we are talking about a schoolchild here. Once he found out the cult were going to eviscerate his teachers he was probably chomping at the bit to join up.

Additionally, despite a medieval upbringing in a school for zealous warriors of God and childhood in a snake-worshipping cult, he has found time for a strong background in science. God knows MY interest in science was first sparked by insane snake cultists. It's like a rite of passage, really.

All in all a well developed, strong and well thought out bio.qw

1 comment:

  1. Nice, I love these things. I've found a few myself, you can check them out at feel free to use one. Prine Genecide and Johnny Poison are my favorite.
