Tuesday, December 23, 2008


A double update today in celebration of the holiday season, and also to pad my blog post count before I send it to people.

Sending "hay look at my blog" to people when you have 2 actual content-bearing posts is rather embarrassing. It tends to result in a lot of "... and?" coupled with light punching.

So in celebration of the time of ham, tinsel and terrible CoH bios comes Bloodshade.

Let us take a list, shall we?

  • Truebreed Wampyre, purebred Kindred. Now, I like a game of World of Darkness as much as the next socially-malajusted Goth kid but come on.
  • Bloodsucking demon BUT SHE'S GOOD HONEST. Guardian of humanity, not like those other vampires.
  • A Daywalker. Not only do we have a WoD fanboy here, but one who has watched too much Blade. Business as usual, then.
  • Godwin's Law. Nazis = drama!
  • Not only is she a purebreed Daywalker vampire, she's a Japanese ninja girl. Now, I adore ninja girls. My dreams of a night are haunted by the soft bounce of black-jumpsuit clad breasts, the glint of moonlight reflecting off shining steel and silent eyes, the dark spectre descending in the middle of the night for ancient rites... Umm. Ninja girls. Yes. Nice but overplayed.
  • Seeks revenge on the Council. Now, there's nothing wrong with the blending of the CoH mythos into a backstory, but here we encounter that most dastardly of clichés - the bad guy who is really, truly good, honest, just utterly misunderstood.
Now, any one of these on their own does not a bad bio make. Not necessarily a brilliant one, either, but it doesn't truly offend the sensibilities. Here, though, we have a purebreed Daywalker Nazi-hunting Japanese ninja girl vampire. When your character's synopsis includes more than 2 or 3 adjectives it may be time to step back and beat yourself soundly across the temples.

As an aside, here is the character in question.

The Jury rests.

Post-script: You know, I just happened to notice. Bloodshade. Heart of Darkness. Ultimate Rumble Time Gang Rogues. If you're going to attempt to drench your goth-culture chimaera of a creation in fabricated drama you could at least be consistent about it.


  1. Brilliant! Where can I go to help add to your collection?

  2. Okay admittedly its a bit overdone, vampires, nazis, ninjas, and of course really short shorts, but at least its full sentences and seems to have relatively few spelling errors when I glanced at it. Give the author of this bio some points for spelling and composition even if its over the top.

    I don't expect to see actual English when I read most people's bios, I expect writing that obeys none of the rules of grammar, spelling or composition. I expect extremely badly written bios and I am seldom disappointed. I will however to try to keep an eye out for the true extremes in either direction.

  3. Westley, feel free to PM me on the City of Heroes forums as Kinetron.

    Honestly, sometimes I find a biography that's well written yet poorly-conceived to be more amusing. By a point laughing at peoples poor spelling becomes somewhat akin to kicking an incontinent puppy.
